Inclusion and Engagement in Mobility. The Conference on the Social Dimension of Erasmus+

Join us in the ‘Inclusion & Engagement in Mobility’ conference which will bring together people in the field of international student mobility to discuss how to overcome barriers to take part in mobility and how engagement and active participation can support social integration in the host society.

The conference will take place in Brussels, Belgium on the 3rd and 4th of October 2022 and welcomes professionals interested in diversity and inclusion in student mobility and how student mobility programmes can have a lasting impact on students and their host communities.

  • Professionals working in the field of education and youth including international officers,

  • Policymakers in education and youth,

  • Erasmus+ National Agencies and Ministries working on education & youth,

  • Students and youth representatives working in Education & Youth

The conference is organised within the scope of the Social Inclusion and Engagement in Mobility (SIEM) project, an Erasmus+ KA3 project on Inclusion and Social Cohesion representing an important step towards making international mobility opportunities more inclusive; and enabling students from all backgrounds to study, work or volunteer abroad.

Check out the agenda for the conference here.

Participation is free, but registration below is mandatory.

Registration will be open till the 15th of September 2022. 

Spots are limited, confirmation of participation will be provided on a rolling basis from the 1st of September 2022.

Register by clicking here.

Sharing best practices

We welcome the experiences of other partners and participants:

Do you have a best practice to share? Feel free to propose a topic to the agenda:

  • Poster Sessions: A poster session allows the presenters to present their ideas, innovations, activities, events, initiatives, projects and best practices in a visual format and discuss it with the participants. The poster session will last 40 minutes.

  • Ignite sessions: A fast-paced and dynamic session intended to provoke awareness and stimulate discussion. Speakers have 10 minutes to talk about a topic accompanied by 10 slides and 3 min for Q&A.

Submit your best practice sessions proposal by clicking here

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One response to “Inclusion and Engagement in Mobility. The Conference on the Social Dimension of Erasmus+”

  1. Krystian Chołaszczyński says:

    Greetings from Poland!
    Another great initiative.
    The time of the pandemic is behind us.
    Unfortunately, numerous problems mean that potential beneficiaries of Erasmus + still fear …
    War, inflation, crises, etc. – it is not conducive to the success of project implementation.
    Only jointly finding methods and ways of dealing with non-standard situations will allow us to come back to reality.
    Good job!

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Our researchers have gathered different informations, experiences and initiatives in the management of the Erasmus Community during COVID19 emergency. In particular, two of the project’s outputs focused on the aforementioned topics:

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  • The IO5 provides an open-access Blueprint is a practical instrument, easy to read and capable of immediate application.

Click on the button below to discover our findings.